You don’t have the Virus but your losses are still huge

You don’t have the Virus but your losses are still huge We are receiving calls from clients fearful that their market losses are going to require them to claim social security benefits years earlier than they had otherwise planned. This has an impact on their long...

How many more years do you need to live in order to wait it out?

With all that is going on in the market with the Coronavirus, we have received many requests to give our opinion on how long it will take for a retirement savings to get back to the level it was before the virus took its toll on the market. Understanding that no one...

We know you are concerned

Financial concerns stemming from the coronavirus outbreak have saturated the thoughts of anyone with a retirement nest egg set aside. The coronavirus has had an undeniable impact on any of us who are in retirement or who are, or were, contemplating it in the near...

Safety planning for retirement

I found this week’s article full of interesting information, and was drawn to the opening paragraph that I thought to share with you. “As we progress through life, we find there are certain things we can control and others we cannot. However, even with the things we...

Get back on your feet

This week’s article references how setbacks can affect family decisions, and finances, at every live stage, but it tells you to “Get back on your financial feet even if you’re getting a late start.” We agree. It is sometimes daunting to reestablish financial security...

Building your own

We often hear that “the key to feeling confident about a comfortable retirement is an employer plan”, but what if you don’t have one? I thought to share this week’s article with you because it discusses how to build your own, and compares the various options,...

Did you know?

Did you know about the new Secure Act which allows you to wait longer before you have to start withdrawing money from your qualified retirement accounts, such as your 401(k) or IRA? I thought to share with you this week’s article because it explains that “the new age...

Have you determined which is best for you?

You may have heard about annuities elsewhere, but we thought it useful to send you a link to a Yahoo Finance article that does what we think is a good job of explaining that “Fixed indexed annuities might be suitable for an investor who still wants to minimize risk...

A bigger contributor to retirement security?

I read an interesting “framing paper” written by two learned scholars from Brookings Institution and Kellogg School of Management. The question they addressed revolved around the change in what they called the “retirement paradigm”. I thought you might like to read...




Educate Yourself

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Understand the Basics

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Who's who in a Fixed Index Annuity

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Understand the Benefits

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Tax Deferral

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Indexed Interest Potential

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Protection Benefits

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