Calculators and Calculations

Commentary: It always seems to be this time of year when clients begin to ask if they are on track for retirement. There are so many factors that go into answering that question, we thought to share with you several customizable calculators that will allow you to run...

One Answer

Commentary: This week’s article references back to a topic we have been reflecting on over the past few months and that is the understanding that “retirees face a number of challenges to their financial security, including living longer and facing the danger of...

Plan Ahead

Commentary: When we speak about retirement savings, we often talk about products that can provide an income stream you can’t outlive. However, there is something else that you probably should consider. If you plan on leaving some of your retirement savings to...

Commentary: This week’s article tells us that retirement planning needs to change in this new year and that “it may be time to revisit traditional approaches to retirement planning. The pandemic and near-zero interest rates dramatically changed the environment”. The...

Start the New Year off

Commentary: “Figuring out how much money you need to retire is like one of those word problems from high school that still haunts you.” This week’s article tells us that “The retirement equation isn't unsolvable, but it's not a precise calculation, either. You'll need...

Holidays and Financial Stress

Commentary: Did you know that according to one 2019 survey roughly 48 million Americans were still paying off 2018’s holiday debt by the 2019 holiday season? Therefore, it shouldn’t be surprising that a more recent survey conducted this year by Goldman Sachs found...

Marshmallows and Social Security

Commentary: I thought you would enjoy this week’s article as it explains the old “marshmallow test” in answering the question of “should US retirees delay claiming Social Security until age 70, even if they have to spend savings until then?” You may ask “What do...

Time to reflect

Commentary: With one month to go until the new year, it might be a good time to reflect on the status of your retirement savings in order to better understand what your choices and needs will be in 2021. Take a look at this week’s article for a few retirement...

What matters is if you are concerned

Commentary: This week’s article highlights a Harris Poll that showed “workers who have been laid off or had their hours reduced amid the pandemic are particularly concerned about their future.” “70% say they are worried about running out of money in retirement, 61%...

No, the Tax Laws have Not Changed

Commentary: We’ve been receiving calls from people thinking that somehow, with the election having just occurred, there are tax law changes that have already been enacted, or that 401(k) and IRA money is slated to be taxed. No, the Tax Laws have not changed. From time...




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